Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Columbine: 11 years later

Well, it's not a major decade marker like last year, but to the family and friends of the 13 victims every anniversary of this horrible tragedy is painful and significant. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

Let us remember the victims:

Cassie Bernall
Steven Curnow
Corey Depooter
Kelly Fleming
Matt Kechter
Daniel Mauser
Daniel Rohrbough
Coach Dave Sanders
Rachel Scott
Isaiah Shoels
John Tomlin
Lauren Townsend
Kyle Velasquez

Let us also remember the 23 injured students and those that made it out of the library and alive and their families.

Especially the ones that I interviewed:

Richard Castaldo and his mother, Connie Michalik
Sean Graves and his mother, Natalie
Lance Kirklin and his father, Mike
Crystal Woodman and her mother, Cindy
Lindsay Elmore

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